彭俊 助理教授 研究員

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§  助理教授兼課程主任 (2019-目前)

澳門城市大學 教育學院

§  兼職講師 (2017-2019)

香港大學 教育學院

§  高級研究員 (2009 – 2013)




·         全国信息技术标准化委员会教育技术分委员会 委员

·         編委會成員, 知识管理和电子学习雜志(Knowledge Management & E-Learning) (ESCI & Scopus 索引期刊), 2009-現在

·         CSSCI核心期刊《远程教育杂志》外审专家

·         CSSCI核心期刊《现代远程教育研究》外审专家

·         SSCI雜志 Computers in Human Behavior 外审专家

·         SSCI雜志 Educational Technology & Society 外审专家

·         SSCI雜志 Educational Technology Research and Development 外审专家

·         澳門創新發展研究會監事,2020- 現在

·         广东科学技术职业学院马克思主义学院特聘教授

·         IEEE 協會會員

·         澳門廉政公署“誠信教案設計徵集活動”評委及頒獎嘉賓,2020

·         第22届全球华人计算机教育大会 C8:科学、技术、工程与数学(STEM)和創客教育项目委员会委员,2018

·         “技术增强的科学、技术、工程和数学教育”第18届IEEE高级学习技术国际会议,项目委员会成员,2018

·         计算机与教育国际会议项目委员会委员,2016-2018

·         第21届全球华人计算机教育大会项目委员会委员,2017

·         第26届万维网(WWW)大会项目委员会委员,2017

·         委员会成员,国际信息技术与通信会议,2017,2015

·         第20届全球华人计算机教育大会项目委员会委员,2016

·         智能学习环境国际会议项目委员会委员,2016



·           基于大数据的澳门地区疫情話語情感分析和經濟、教育趨勢研究, 澳門特別行政區政府高等教育基金,澳門高等院校人文社會範疇研究專項2020-2022(角色:项目主持人,編號:HSS-CITYU-2020-03)

·         基于自然语言会话分析的问题解决能力测评技术及机制研究,中国国家自然科学基金(NSFC, No. 61977023),2020-2023 (角色: 项目参与者,技術專家)

·         基于“三全三融”双创理念的实践创新人才培养模式的研究与实践 ,江苏省高等教育教学改革研究重点课题,No. 2019JSJG111,2019-2021 (角色: 项目参与者)

·         “互联网+”教育体系研究, 教育部哲学社会科学重点研究项目,No. 16JZD043,2017-2020(角色: 项目参与者)

·         粵港澳大灣區高職學生學習力調查研究,廣東省哲学社会科学十三五規劃項目,No 2019GXJK248,2020-2022 (角色: 项目参与者)

·         Teacher Professional Development and Classroom Teaching Reform and Innovation in Higher Education, City University of Macau, funded by Macao Foundation, No. MF18032019 (角色: 项目参与者)

·         Building Learning Facilities into a Diagnostic Decision Support System with Intelligent Agent Support, 2015-2018, GRF project (No. 17201415), RGC of Hong Kong (角色: 项目参与者)

·         Supporting Adaptive Learning Processes in the e-Learning Environment Using Intelligent Agents, 2009-2011, GRF project (No. 717708), RGC of Hong Kong (角色: 项目参与者)

·         Supporting Self-Directed Learning in Interdisciplinary Studies by Using a Knowledge Visualization and Navigation System, 2009-2011, Earmarked Teaching Development Grant (TDG project), The University of Hong Kong (角色: 项目参与者)

·         Integrating Knowledge Management into Business Process Improvement with Collaborative Agents Support, GRF project (No. 716907), RGC of Hong Kong, 2007-2009 (角色: 项目参与者)


1.  Meng Sun, Minhong Wang, Rupert Wegerif, Jun Peng. How do students generate ideas together in scientific creativity tasks? Journal of Research in Science Teaching (SSCI indexed Accepted)

2.      李悦,彭俊*(2020).艺术类大学生疫情应对方式与焦虑的关系:社会支持的中介效用. 医学与社会,华中师范大学出版社 (北大核心,JST indexed Accepted)

3.      Yue Li, Jun Peng* (2020). Coping Strategies as Predictors of Anxiety: Exploring Positive Experience of Chinese University in Health Education in COVID-19 Pandemic. Creative Education, 11(5). (Google-based Impact Factor: 1.01;h5-index Ranking:18)

4.      Weichen Jia, Jun Peng*, Na Cai(2020). An approach to improving the analysis of literature data in Chinese through an improved use of Citespace. Knowledge Management & E-Learning: 12(2), 256-267 (ESCI and Scopus Indexed)

5.      Jun Peng, Minhong Wang, Demetrios Sampson, and Jeroen van Merriënboer (2019). Using a visualization-based and progressive learning environment as a cognitive tool for learning computer programming. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology, 35(2), 52-68. (SSCI IF 2.127)

6.      Jun Peng, Bei Yuan, J. Michael Spector, and Minhong Wang (2020). Integrating technology in programming learning and instruction: A critical review. International Journal of Smart Technology and Learning, 1(4), 323-343. (ACER Indexed).

7.      Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, Jeroen van Merriënboer, Xu Tao, Andre Kushniruk and Jun Peng  (2020). Investigating the Role of Cognitive Feedback in Practice-Oriented Learning for Clinical Diagnostics. Vocations and Learning, 13, 159–177 (2020). (SSCI IF 1.343)

8.      Minhong Wang, Bei Yuan, Paul A. Kirschner, Andre W. Kushniruk, and Jun Peng (2018). Reflective learning with complex problems in a visualization-based learning environment with expert support. Computers in Human Behavior, 87, 406-415. (SSCI IF 4.306)

9.      Jun Peng, Minhong Wang, & Demetrios Sampson (2017). Visualizing the Complex Process for Deep Learning with an Authentic Programming Project. Educational Technology & Society, 20(4), 275-287. (SSCI IF 2.133)

10.  Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, Andre Kushniruk, and Jun Peng (2017). Deep Learning towards Expertise Development in a Visualization-based Learning Environment. Educational Technology & Society, 20(4), 233-246. (SSCI IF 2.133)

11.  Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, Andre W. Kushniruk, and Jun Peng (2016). Design of a computer-based learning environment to support diagnostic problem solving towards expertise development. Knowledge Management & E-Learning, 8(4), 540-549. (ESCI indexed)

12.  Minhong Wang, Jun Peng, Bo Cheng, Hance Zhou, and Jie Liu, (2011). Knowledge Visualization for Self-Regulated Learning, Educational Technology & Society, 14(3), 28-42. (SSCI IF 2.133)

13.  Bo Cheng, Minhong Wang, Stephen J.H. Yang, Kinshuk, and Jun Peng (2011). Acceptance of Competency-Based Workplace E-Learning Systems: Effects of Individual and Peer Learning Support, Computers & Education, 57(1), 1317-1333. (SSCI IF 5.627)

14.  Jun Peng, & Caixing Zheng (2008). Design and implementation of an intelligent question answering system based on knowledge tree. China Education Informationization - Higher Education and Vocational Education, Vol.190, 72-74 (in Chinese). (CSCI indexed)




1.      彭俊 (2020). 智能科技推进精准教学. “智能+”时代背景下数字创意类一流专业建设及创产学融合高峰论坛(主旨報告), 12 2020, 珠海, 中国.

2.      唐瑗彬,彭俊 (2020). 组织变革理论视角下省属师范大学的变革路径研究. 2020年高等教育国际论坛年会, 11 2020, 郑州, 中国.

3.      Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, and Jun Peng (2019). Facilitating Students' Learning through Problem-Solving in a Computer-Based Expert-Supported Learning Environment. The 4th International Conference on Technology in Education, March 2019, Guangzhou, China.

4.      Jun Peng, Stylianos Sergis, Minhong Wang, and Demetrios Sampson (2017). Combining Smart Web-based Learning Environments with Teaching and Learning Analytics to Support Reflection on Project-based Programming Education. Proceedings of the 26th International World Wide Web Conference, published by the ACM Digital Library, April 2017, Perth, Australia.

5.      Jun Peng, Minhong Wang, and Demetrios Sampson (2017). Scaffolding Project-Based Learning of Computer Programming in an Online Learning Environment. Proceedings of the 17th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 2017, Timisoara, Romania.

6.      Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, Andre Kushniruk, and Jun Peng (2013). Technology-Enhanced Learning for Improving Complex Problem-Solving Expertise. Proceedings of the 13th IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), July 2013, Beijing, China.

7.      Bei Yuan, Minhong Wang, Andre Kushniruk, and Jun Peng (2013). Design of a Model-Based Expert-Supported Learning Environment for Problem Solving Expertise Development. Proceedings of the 17th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2013, Beijing, China.

8.      Minhong Wang, Jun Peng, Jie Liu, Bo Cheng, and Hance Zhou (2011). Enhancing Online Learning through Knowledge Visualization. Proceedings of 15th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education (GCCCE), May 2011, Hangzhou, China.

9.      Minhong Wang and Jun Peng (2010). Design of a Performance-Oriented Learning Ontology. Workshop Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Computers in Education (ICCE), Dec 2010, Putrajaya, Malaysia.

10.  Jun Peng and Caixing Zheng (2008). Design and realization of intelligent Q/A systems based on knowledge tree. Artificial Intelligence in Education Application International Academic Seminar, IEEE Computer Society, 2008, Wuhan, China.



1.        Bei Yuan, Jun Peng, Minhong Wang, and Liang Kuang (2019). Facilitating Students' Learning Through Problem-Solving in a Computer-Based Expert-Supported Learning Environment. In S. K. S. Cheung, J. Jiao, L. K., L. X. Zhang, K. C. Li, & Z. Zhan (Eds), Technology in Education: Pedagogical Innovations, Springer, 3-14.
