Associate Professor Kristy Timmons

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Dr. Timmons is an Associate Professor and Graduate Faculty Member in Early Childhood Education at the Faculty of Education, Queen’s University. Dr. Timmons completed her MA in Child Study and Education at the Dr. Eric Jackman Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto and her PhD in Developmental Psychology and Education at the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (UofT). Dr. Timmons’ teaching experience spans the early years, elementary, undergraduate, and graduate levels. Her research interests centre on the processes that influence young children’s learning, engagement, and self-regulation. Within this focus, she has carried out research with children, families, and pre- and in- service educators. Dr. Timmons is also an Associate Faculty Member of the Assessment and Evaluation Group (AEG) at Queen’s University. AEG faculty members and graduate students engage in independent and collaborative research, program reviews and consulting.

Research Interests

Building capacity in the early years through improved policies and practices

Advancing equitable access, experiences, and outcomes in early childhood education

Improving understanding of self-regulation and self-regulation assessment practice

Educator expectations, beliefs, and practices

Play-based learning

Selected Publications

Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2023). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years: Interpreting professional guiding documents for gender-expansive practice. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood, 24(1), 32–45.

Timmons, K., Pyle, A., Danniels, E., Cowan, E., & McCann, A. (2022). Teacher expectations in the early primary grades: A scoping review. Review of Education.

Timmons, K., Cooper, A., Braund, H., and Bozek, E. (2022). Remote teaching and learning in early primary contexts: A qualitative study of teachers and parents during the COVID-19 lockdown (Chapter 21 ). In J. Pattnaik and M. R. Jalongo (Eds.), The Impact of COVID-19 on Early Childhood Education and Care: International Perspectives, Challenges, and Responses Springer Nature. Switzerland AG.

Timmons, K., Cooper, A., Bozek, E., and Braund, H. (2021). The impacts of COVID-19 on early childhood education: Capturing the unique challenges associated with remote teaching and learning in K-2. Early Childhood Education Journal, 49(5), 887-901. Full Article

Braund, H., & Timmons, K. (2021). Operationalization of self-regulation in the early years: comparing policy with theoretical underpinnings. International Journal of Child Care and Education Policy, 15(1), 8. Full Article

Cooper, A., & Timmons, K., MacGregor, S. (2021). Exploring how Ontario teachers adapted to learn at home initiatives during COVID-19: Blending technological and pedagogical expertise in a time of growing inequities. Journal of Teaching and Learning, 15(2) 81-101. Full Article

Pelletier, J., & Timmons, K. (2021). La création d’un équilibre dans les types de regroupement à l’éducation préscolaire (Chapter 10). In A. Charron, J. Lehrer, M. Boudreau & E. Jacob (Eds.), L’éducation préscolaire au Québec: Fondements théoriques et pédagogiques. Quebec, Canada: Les Presses de l’Université du Québec (PUQ). Available Online

Timmons, K., & Airton, L. (2020). Welcoming gender diversity in the early years: Interpreting professional guiding documents for gender-expansive practice. Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood. (Advanced online publication). Full Article

Timmons, K. (2019). Kindergarten expectations and outcomes: Understanding the influence of educator and child expectations on children's self-regulation, early reading and vocabulary outcomes. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 33(3), 471-489. Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K. (2019). The great debate applied to developmentally appropriate practice (DAP): Moving beyond dichotomies in the early years (Chapter 7). In S. Jagger (Ed.), Early Years Education and Care in Canada: A Historical and Philosophical Overview, Toronto, ON: Canadian Scholars Press. Available Online

Heagle, K., Timmons, K., Hargreaves, F., & Pelletier, J. (2019). The social kindergartener: Comparing children's perspectives of full- and half-day kindergarten. In Nicholson. J & Wisneski. D. (Eds.), Reconsidering the Role of Play in Early Childhood: Towards Social Justice and Equity (12 pages). New York, NY: Routledge Taylor & Francis Group. Available Online

Timmons, K., & Di Santo, A. (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Underwood, K., Kenneally, N., & Timmons, K. (2018). Cornerstone 1. See me: The child’s right to identity. In K Timmons & A Di Santo (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Di Santo, A., & Timmons, K. (2018). Cornerstone 2. Hear me: The child’s right to participation. In K Timmons & A Di Santo (Eds.). (2018). Children’s rights and ACEI’s Love Me, Teach Me Campaign: Practice and policy briefs. Association for Childhood Education International (ACEI).

Timmons, K. (2018). Educator expectations in Full-Day Kindergarten: Comparing the factors that contribute to the formation of early childhood educator and teacher expectations, Early Childhood Education Journal, 46(6), 613-628. Full Article | Open Access Version

Heagle, K., Timmons, K., Hargreaves, F., & Pelletier, J. (2017). The social kindergartener: Comparing children's perspectives of full- and half-day kindergarten. Early Child Development and Care, 187(5-6), 223-241. Full Article

Di Santo, A., Timmons, K., Lenis, A. (2017). Pre-service early childhood educators' pedagogical beliefs. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 38(3), 223-241. Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K. (2017). Does self-regulation and engagement differ among classroom grouping, play, and transition contexts? Research in a Nutshell (RiAN), 2(1), 2. Available Online (PDF 716 KB)

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2016). Using latent-class analysis to examine the influence of kindergarten children’s perspectives of school on literacy and self-regulation outcomes. Early Child Development and Care, 186(11), 1737-1751. Full Article

Di Santo, A., Timmons, K., Pelletier, J. (2016). “Mommy that’s the exit.”: Empowering homeless mothers to support their children’s daily literacy experiences, Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16(2), 145-170. Full Article

Timmons, K., Pelletier, J., & Corter, C. (2016). Understanding children’s self-regulation within different classroom contexts. Early Child Development and Care, 186(2), 249-267. Full Article | Open Access Version

Timmons, K., & Pelletier, J. (2015). Understanding the importance of parent learning in a school-based family literacy programme. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 15(4), 510-532. 

Media/Creative Outputs

Timmons, K. (2023). The people who shape your learning. Interview with Phil Gaudreau.

Timmons, K. (2022). Discussing the OHRC Right to Read Report. Interview with School Magazine. (William Paul).

Timmons, K. (2022). Sustainability of Ontario’s 10/day child care. CBC.

Timmons, K. (2022). Right to Read Inquiry. Interview with CBC News. (Greg Hobbs)

Timmons, K., & Cooper, A. (2020). Global News sits down with Queen’s experts researching COVID-19s impact on early childhood education. Using self-regulation to help children deal with stress. Written by graduate student Kristina Silver. (2020)

Timmons, K. (2019). Do young children learn from adults they don't like? Blog for the Self-Regulation Institute.

Timmons, K., Purgret, L., & Poss, M. (2019). “In conversation with Stephen Hurley of voicEd Radio, #SelfReg in Early Care and Education. 

Timmons, K. (2018). “Play-based learning as a spectrum with Kristy Timmons” July 6, 2018, podcast. 

Timmons, K. (2018). Introducing our new faculty member Kristy Timmons. Queen’s Gazette Dec 7 & February 28, 2018. 

Timmons, K. (2015). Touchy Subject: Is full-day kindergarten too much for four-year-olds? Parents Canada. 
