徐建教授現任四川外國語大學教授及博士生導師,主要從事高等教育與外語教育研究,擅長高階量化統計分析。他于香港中文大學教育學院課程與教學系獲得博士學位,博士期間曾作爲交換生赴加拿大女王大學進行聯合培養。2018年8月,他加入北京外國語大學工作。自2020年9月至今,於四川外國語大學任職,並於2022年獲評為教授,同年入選四川外國語大學「嘉陵青年學者計劃」。目前,他擔任SSCI一區期刊 Research Papers in Education 副主編。2023至2024年間,他曾於英國雷丁大學教育學院訪學。徐教授以第一作者或通訊作者身份發表了40餘篇SSCI期刊論文及若干中文期刊論文,並主持或參與多項國家級及省部級研究項目。他積極參與國內外學術會議,並擔任多本SSCI及CSSCI期刊的審稿人。
1. Zhou, S., Xu, J., Rose, H., & McKinley, J. (2025). Exploring the emotion-motivation nexus in English-medium higher education: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Learning and Individual Differences, 119, 102628. (SSCI. Q1)
2. Xu, J., & Zheng, Y. (2025). Does student assessment literacy matter between motivational constructs and engagement in L2 writing? A survey of Chinese EFL undergraduates. Assessing Writing, 64, 100916. (SSCI. Q1)
3. Xu, J., Wang, Y., & Peng, B. (2025). Differentiating the role of growth language mindsets in feedback‐seeking behaviour in L2 writing through perspective‐taking: A mixed‐method study. European Journal of Education, 60(1), e12876. (SSCI. Q1)
4. Xu, J., & Zhou, S. (2024). Unraveling the interplay between social-emotional need satisfaction and self-regulated learning: Longitudinal evidence from university students in China’s EMI programs. Language Teaching Research. Online. (SSCI. Q1)
5. Xu, J., Zhou, S., Chen, C., Perrin, S., & Gan, H. (2024). Exploring the interplay between enjoyment, anxiety, ideal self, and willingness to communicate in EMI higher education. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (SSCI. Q2)
6. Xu, J., Wang, Y., & Zhou, S. (2024). Measuring and profiling growth language mindsets, conscientiousness, and social emotional learning among university L2 learners: a variable- and person-centered perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–17. https://doi.org/10.1080/01434632.2024.2317370 (SSCI-Q1)
7. Wang, Y., Xu, J*., Li, H., & Qi, J. (2024). The impact of future L2 selves and positive emotions on self-regulated writing strategies: A mixed method approach. Language Teaching Research, 13621688241229534. https://doi.org/10.1177/13621688241229534 (SSCI-Q1). *Corresponding
8. Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2024). Do I need feedback or avoid it in L2 writing? Impacts of self-efficacy and shyness on feedback-seeking behavior. Assessing Writing, 59, 100805. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.asw.2023.100805
9. Xu, J., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Understanding the interconnectedness of L2 learners’ writing assessment literacy and engagement: A longitudinal survey. System, 123, 103318. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103318 (SSCI-Q1)
10. Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2024). Development and initial validation of learner engagement with teacher written corrective feedback scale. System, 124, 103376. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103376 (SSCI-Q1) *Corresponding
11. Zhou, S., Xu, J., & Thomas, N. (2024). L2 listening in a digital era: Developing and validating the mobile-assisted self-regulated listening strategy questionnaire (MSRLS-Q). System, 123, 103310. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.system.2024.103310
12. Xu, J., & Qiu, X., & Yang, L. (2023). Unraveling the dynamics of English communicative motivation and self-efficacy through task-supported language teaching: A latent growth modeling perspective. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. (SSCI-Q2, IF: 1.5)
13. Xu, J., Zheng, Y., & Braund, H. (2023). Voices from L2 learners across different languages: Development and validation of a student writing assessment literacy scale. Journal of Second Language Writing. (SSCI-Q1 top; IF: 5.448)
14. Zheng, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). Unpacking the impact of teacher assessment approaches on student writing engagement: a survey of university learners across different languages. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-14. (SSCI-Q1 top; IF: 4.440) *Corresponding
15. Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). A latent profile analysis of L2 writing emotions and their relations to writing buoyancy, motivation and proficiency. Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063) *Corresponding
16. Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). The impact of academic buoyancy and emotions on university students’ self-regulated learning strategies in L2 writing classrooms. Reading and Writing. Online (SSCI. Q2; IF: 2.795)
17. Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). Individual differences in L2 writing feedback-seeking behaviors: The predictive roles of various motivational constructs. Assessing Writing, 56, 100698. (SSCI. Q1; IF: 3.164)
18. Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2022). The differential mediating roles of ideal and ought-to L2 writing selves between growth mindsets and self-regulated writing strategies. System, 102900. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.518)
19. Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2022). Second language psychological speaking and listening needs: Scale development, symbiosis, and demographic differences. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 483-507. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 2.352)
20. Qiu, X., & Xu, J.* (2022). ‘Listening should be done communicatively’: Do task-supported language teaching and post-task self-reflection facilitate the development of L2 listening proficiency?. System, 102897. (*corresponding author) (SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.518)
21. Xu, J., & Luo, K. (2022). Immersing learners in English listening classroom: does self-regulated learning instruction make a difference? Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063)
22. Xu, J. (2022). Incremental intelligence matters: How L2 writing mindsets impact feedback orientation and self-regulated learning writing strategies. Assessing Writing, 51, 100593. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.164)
23. Xu, J., Wang, M., & Dong, M. (2022). Relationship between test-taking motivation and listening metacognitive awareness in EFL listening context. European Journal of Psychology Open. (SSCI-Q4)
24. Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2021). Engaging L2 learners in information-gap tasks: How task type and topic familiarity affect learner engagement. RELC Journal. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 1.620)
25. Qiu, X., & Xu, J.* (2021). Defining oracy: Second language listening and speaking motivation in higher education and the role of demographic factors. Psychological Reports. (SSCI-Q3; IF: 1.789) *(Corresponding author)
26. Xu, J., Fan, J., & Luo, K. (2021). Exploring L2 listening instruction, self-efficacy, and strategy use: A mediation analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 4.232)
27. Xu, J. (2021). Chinese university students’ L2 writing feedback orientation and self-regulated learning writing strategies in online teaching during COVID-19. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(6), 564-574. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 2.561)
28. Dong, M., Fan, J., & Xu, J.* (2021). Differential washback effects of a high-stakes test on students’ English learning process: evidence from a large-scale stratified survey in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-18. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.478) *(Corresponding author)
29. Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2020). Study abroad experiences count: Motivational profile of EFL listeners and its impact on top-down and bottom-up processing. Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063)
30. Xu, J., & Huang, Y. (2020). Enlarging English reading amount in Hong Kong primary schools: do social support and goal orientation matter. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(8), 1-16. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 1.961)
31. Xu, J., & Huang, Y. T. (2020). Effects of social support on English reading amount in Hong Kong primary schools: the mediating role of reading confidence. Educational Studies, 47(6), 700-715. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.500)
32. Li, L., & Xu, J. (2020). On Rater Reliability of English Speaking Test for Foreign Language School Students — A Case Study of Recommended Students to Beijing Foreign Studies University. Chinese Journal of ESP, 19, 71-79. (in Chinese)
33. Xu, J., & Ou, A. (2022). Facing rootlessness: Language and identity construction in teaching and research practices among bilingual returnee scholars in China. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 1.770)
34. Xu, J., & Huang, Y. T. (2021). Identity transformation of Chinese secondary school teachers during educational reform. Asian Journal of Social Science, 49(2), 101-108. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 0.694)
35. Xu, J., Liu, H., & Huang, Y. T. (2021). The wolf is coming: how secondary teachers regulate emotional experiences when facing Chinese education reform. Educational Studies, 1-18. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.500)
36. Huang, Y., & Xu, J.* (2020). Surviving the performance management of academic work: evidence from young Chinese academics. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(4), 704-718. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 2.849) *(Corresponding author)