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Academic Qualification

Ph.D. in Education (Mental Health and Career Planning), University of Macau

Master of Education (Education Management and Policy Studies), Peking University

Bachelor of Management (Information Management, Minor in Economics), Peking University

Bachelor of Psychology (Clinical Psychology), University of Saint Joseph

Research Direction

Globalization and teachers’ professional development

Vocational development and mental health

Professional Qualification

Career Development Facilitator Instructor (CDF-I), National Career Development Association, US

Certified Career Services Provider (CCSP), National Career Development Association, US

Professional Organization

Member, National Career Development Association, US

Member, Chair of the Public Relation Committee, Asia Pacific Career Development Association

Publication & Conference Presentation (Selected)

Ouyang, B.X. (2022). Parent Participation in Career Planning of Adolescents in Macao. Paper presented 12th Conference for Chinese Psychologists, Taipei

Jin, S.R., & Ouyang, B.X. (2017). Career adaptability: Facing the future uncertainty. Book chapter in S. K., Chung. (Ed.), Self-help handbook of career development for college students. Beijing: Higher Education Press.

Ouyang, B. X., Jin, S. R., & Tien, H.L. (2016). Vocational identity formation of college students in Macau. The Career Development Quarterly, 64(3), 244-258. (SSCI) https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12058

Ouyang, B.X. (2016, May). Teachers’ contributions and needs in practicing career education in middle school settings. Paper presented at the 2016 Asia Pacific Career Development Association Conference. Taipei.
