Professor Xuesong ZHAI

Release date:2025/02/11
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翟雪松  博士

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翟雪松,畢業於中國科學技術大學,現任浙江大學教育學院 研究員,博士生導師,科學與技術教育學位點負責人;浙江省高校教育數位化試點工作組組長;澳門城市大學,特聘教授。研究方向:人工智慧與元宇宙教育應用、教育大數據分析與應用。主持國家自然科學基金、省部級重大課題、教育部人文社科等三十餘項課題 ;主持浙江省教育科學規劃一等獎,獲得國家教學成果二等獎、省一等獎。近年來以第一或通訊發表 SSCI/SCI/A&HC/CSSCI論文八十餘篇;2023國際工程技術協會青年科學家;學術服務包括 Nature子刊HSSC (SSCI Q1)副主編/編委、IEEE-TLT (SSCI Q1)副主編、IJCIS(SCI)領域主編等。學術成果被教育部、中國教育報(理論版)、浙江省政府、浙江省委採納,並參與教育部重要檔的制定。


2019  教育技術學博士後 北京師範大學-美國北德克薩斯大學,美國

2016 公共管理學(高等教育管理)博士, 中國科學技術大學, 中國

2009 國際關係法學碩士,中國科學技術大學, 中國

2004 英語語言文學學士, 安徽農業大學, 中國


澳門城市大學 教育技術學 特聘教授

浙江大學 教育技術學 特聘研究員

Nature子刊Humanities and Social Sciences Communications(SSCI/A&HCI  Q1)編委,副主編。

IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies(SSCI/SCI/EI Q1)副主編。

International Journal of Computational Intelligent System (SCI/EI)領域主編

STEM Education (Scopus)領域主編

ITDAF 領域主編。

EAI Transaction on Learning Technology 編委。

Applied Computing and Intelligence 副主編。



















Refereed Journal Articles


[1]Xiaoyan Chu ,Nian-Shing Chen ,Jonathan Michael Spector ,Xuesong Zhai* (2024)Metaverse accelerator: A meta-analysis investigating the impact of AI-facilitated extended reality (AI-XR) on learning outcomes.Educational Technology Research & Development. (in pressing) (SSCI Q1通訊)

[2]Saneinia, S., Zhai, X*., Zhou, R., Gholizadeh, A., Wu, R., & Zhu, S. (2024). Beyond virtual boundaries: the intersection of the metaverse technologies, tourism, and lifelong learning in China’s digital discourse.Nature-Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-14. (SSCI Q1通訊)

[3]Jiang, H., Chugh, R., Zhai, X.,* Wang, K., & Wang, X. (2024). Longitudinal analysis of teacher self-efficacy evolution during a STEAM professional development program: a qualitative case study.Nature-Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-16.. Q1 通訊)

[4]Pan Di, Li Yuan, Zhai Xuesong* (2024) Digitale Geisteswissenschaften in den chinesischen German Studies.JAHRBUCH FÜR INTERNATIONALE GERMANISTIK,  (in pressing)  (A&HCI,通訊)

[5]Zhai, X., Chu, X., Wang, M., Tsai, C. C., Liang, J. C., & Spector, J. M. (2024). A systematic review of Stimulated Recall (SR) in educational research from 2012 to 2022.  Nature-Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 11(1), 1-14.(SSCI Q1)

[6]翟雪松,張麗潔,夏亮亮,等.基於GAI的逆向工程教學思維在人機協作中的應用研究——以編程教育為例[J/OL].電化教育研究,2024,(09):61-68 (CSSCI 核心)



[9]楚肖燕,沈書生,王敏娟,王會軍,李曉文,翟雪松*.世界一流高校探索生成式人工应用规范的经验及对我国的启示——基于LDA主题模型分析的文本挖掘[J].现代远距离教育,2024(03):38-47. (CSSCI 核心)

[10]翟雪松,季爽,焦麗珍,等.基於多智能體的人機協同解決複雜學習問題實證研究[J].開放教育研究,2024,30(03):63-73.(CSSCI 核心)

[11]許潔,李豔,李翠欣,翟雪松*.技術促進教育公平的全球典型案例分析及啟示——以28個哈馬德國王獎項目為例[J].遠程教育雜誌,2024,42(04):94-104.(CSSCI 核心)

[12]袁婧,翟雪松,吳飛,等.基於虛擬教研室的高校人工智慧專業(AI+X方向)建設——以浙江大學為例[J].現代教育技術,2024,34(05):123-133.(CSSCI 核心)

[13]李豔,李翠欣,翟雪松*.(2024)共同富裕背景下城鄉教共體學習者GAI準備度研究[J].中國電化教育 2024(09)51-59+121. (CSSCI核心)

[14]李豔,許潔,賈程媛,翟雪松*.大學生生成式人工智慧應用現狀與思考——基於浙江大學的調查[J].開放教育研究,2024,30(01):89-98.DOI:10.139 66/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2024.01.010.(CSSCI 核心)


[15]Yu Wang, Yan Dong, Jessie Siew-Pin Leuk, Xuesong Zhai, Chang Xu, Yu Fu & Wei-Peng Teo. The Role of Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Collaborative Research: A systematic Review. Educ Psychol Rev 36, 1 (2024).  (SSCI Q1)

[16] X. -S. Zhai, X. -Y. Chu, M. Chen, J. Shen and F. -L. Lou, "Can Edu-Metaverse Reshape Virtual Teaching Community (VTC) to Promote Educational Equity? An Exploratory Study," in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 1130-1140, Dec. 2023, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2023.3276876.   (SSCI Q1)

[17]Y. Zheng, Z. Gao, J. Shen and X. Zhai*,(2023) "Optimizing Automatic Text Classification Approach in Adaptive Online Collaborative Discussion–A Perspective of Attention Mechanism-Based Bi-LSTM," in IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 16(5). 591-602, doi: 10.1109/TLT.2022.3192116     ( SSCI Q1 通訊)                                                                         

[18]Zhai, X., Xu, J., Chen, N. S., Shen, J., Li, Y., Wang, Y., ... & Zhu, Y. (2023). The Syncretic Effect of Dual-Source Data on Affective Computing in Online Learning Contexts: A Perspective From Convolutional Neural Network With Attention Mechanism. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 61(2), 466-493.          (SSCI Q1)

[19] Zhai, X., Wang, M., Chen, N. S., Ghani, U., & Cacciolatti, L. (2023). The secret thoughts of social network sites users: a scale for the measurement of online knowledge-hiding in a knowledge exchange (KE) context. Interactive Learning Environments, 31(5), 2899-2913. (SSCI Q1)

[20] Yang, Y., Wei, X., Li, P., & Zhai, X. (2023). Assessing the effectiveness of machine translation in the Chinese EFL writing context: A replication of Lee (2020). ReCALL, 35(2), 211-224.  (SSCI Q1)

[21]翟雪松,吳庭輝,李翠欣等.數字人教育應用的演進、趨勢與挑戰[J].現代遠程教育研究,2023,35(06):41-50. (CSSCI 核心)

[22]翟雪松,楚肖燕,顧建民等.從知識共用到知識共創:教育元宇宙的去中心化知識觀[J].華東師範大學學報(教育科學版),2023,41(11):27-37. (CSSCI 核心)

[23]翟雪松,楚肖燕,焦麗珍,童兆平,李豔,基於“生成式人工智慧+元宇宙”的人機協同學習模式研究,《開放教育研究》2023,29(05):26-36 (CSSCI 核心)

[24]翟雪松,吳庭輝,袁婧,李豔*.教育對人工智慧應用的反哺價值研究——基於生成式模型到世界模型的視角[J].遠程教育雜誌,41(5):34-41.    (CSSCI 核心)  人大複印資料全文轉載


[26] 翟雪松,許家奇,陳鑫源,楚肖燕,李雨珊,李媛.文本呈現方式對視覺舒適 度的影響——基於人工智慧與腦電協同的分析[J].《開放教育研究》,2023 ,29(01):70-80.(CSSCI 核心)    


[28]孟文婷,廖天鴻,王之聖,施宇熹,翟雪松.人工智慧促進教育數位化轉型的國際經驗及啟示——2022年國際人工智慧教育大會述評[J].《遠程教育雜誌》,2023,41 (01):15-23.(CSSCI 核心) 

[29]翟雪松,許家奇,童兆平,陳文智,張紫徽,李豔*(2023)人工智慧賦能高校韌性教學生態的路徑研究[J]《中國遠程教育》2023,43 (01) :49-58.DOI:10.13541/j.cnki.chinade.2023.01.007(CSSCI 核心)

[30]朱雨萌,李豔,楊玉輝,翟雪松*.智能技術驅動高等教育變革——《2023地平線報告:教與學版》的要點與反思[J].《開放教育研究》,2023,29 (03):19-30. (CSSCI 核心)


[31]Y. Zheng, Z. Shao, Z. Gao, M. Deng, X. Zhai*(2022)Optimizing the Online  Learners ’ Verbal Intention Classification Efficiency Based on the Multi-Head  Attention  Mechanism Algorithm, International Journal  of Foundations  of Computer Science, 33(6) 717-733, DOI: 10. 1142/ S01290 54122420114 (SCI 通訊)

[32]Zhai, X., Chu, X., Meng, N., Wang, M., Spector, M., Tsai, C.-C., & Liu, H. (2022). The Effect of Multi-mode Stimuli of Feedforward and Eye Tracking on  Metacognition—An Exploratory Study Using Digital   Dictionaries. Educational Technology & Society, 25 (1), 213-227. (SSCI Q1 )

[33]Chen, X., Zhai, X., Wang, Li. & Li, Y.* (2022). Exploring debaters and audiences' depth of critical thinking and its relationship with their participation in debate activities. Thinking Skills and Creativity, https://doi. org/10.1016/j.tsc. 2022.101035.  (SSCI Q1)

[33]Chen, X., Wang, Li., Zhai, X. & Li, Y.* (2022). Exploring the effects of Argument Map (AM)-supported online group debate activities on college students' critical thinking. Frontiers in Psychology, 13: 856462. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2022.856462.(SSCI)

[34] 翟雪松,易龍珠,王會軍,章欣,錢佳鈺,董豔 & 李豔*. (2022).Web3.0 時代“互聯網+教育 ”的發展機遇與挑戰.《開放教育研究》,2022,28 (06):4-11.DOI:10.13966/j.cnki.kfjyyj.2022.06.001  (CSSCI 核心)

[35]翟雪松,楚肖燕,胡美如,李媛*(2022)從腦機介面到腦腦介面:認知傳輸與群體協同的教育變革[J].《遠程教育雜誌》2022,40(03):24-34  (CSSCI 核心)

[36]翟雪松,許家奇,王永固*(2022)線上教育中的學習情感計算研究—基於多源數據融合視角 [J].《華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)》2022,40(09):32-44.DOI:10.16382/j.cnki.10005560.2022.09.004. (CSSCI 核心)

[37]翟雪松,楚肖燕,王敏娟,張紫徽,董豔*(2022).教育元宇宙:新一代互聯網教育形態的創新與挑戰[J].《開放教育研究》,28(1):34-42 人大複印資料全文轉載)  (CSSCI 核心)

[38]翟雪松,楚肖燕,王敏娟,張紫徽,董豔*(2022).教育元宇宙:新一 代互聯網教育形態的創新與挑戰[J].《複印報刊資料(教育學)》,7:124-131 人大複印資料全文轉載)  (CSSCI 核心)

[39]李豔,朱雨萌,翟雪松*(2022).疫情影響下技術賦能高等教育變革的趨勢及啟示---基於 2020-2022 年《地平線報告》的比較研究[J].《現代教育技術》,32(8),14-25.    (CSSCI 核心)     

[40]董豔,吳佳明,鄭婭峰,翟雪松,楊洋, 編程教學對青少年高階思維技能發 展的有效性研究——基於國內外近 5 年 31 項實驗和准實驗的元分析,數 字教育,2022-03, 08, 05,1-9,


[41] Shen, Y., Wang, Z., Hao, A., Yu, P., Zhai, X.*, & Wang, H. (2021). Investigating the effect of vr+ haptics approach on students’ flow experience and outcomes: An empirical study on vr laparoscopy. Complexity, Vol2021, 1-10.  https: // /10. 1155/2021/ 9496152 (SCI  Q2 通訊)

[42]Zheyu, L., Weijin, C., Jihui, Z., Yuan, W., Ghani, U., & Zhai, X.* (2021) Investigating the influence of tacit knowledge transformation model on students' learning ability.Front. Psychol.doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.647729(SSCI Q2 通訊)

[43]Zhai, X., Asmi, F., Yuan, J., Anwar, M. A., Siddiquei, N. L., Ahmad, I., & Zhou, R. (2021). The Role of motivation and desire in explaining students’ VR games addiction: A cognitive-behavioral perspective. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2021, 1-10.   (SCI)

[44]Zhai, X., Chu, X., Chai, C. S., Jong, M. S. Y., Istenic, A., Spector, M., ... & Li, Y*. (2021). A Review of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Education from 2010 to 2020. Complexity, 2021, 1-18.   (SSCI Q2 )

[45]Zhai, X., Zhu, Y., Li, Y., & Chen, W. (2021). Efficiency of an ICT-based campus energy management system on educational performance: a perspective of a fuzzy DEA approach. International Journal of Environment and Pollution, 70(3-4), 111-129.  (SCI)

[46]朱雨萌,李豔,翟雪松,陳文智.基於文本大數據的中國教育資訊化政策 (2000—2020 年)分析及啟示[J].《北京教育學院學報》,2021,35(05) :49- 58.DOI:10.16398/j.cnki.jbjieissn1008-228x.2021.05.008.

[47]翟雪松,楚肖燕,李豔*(2021).融合視覺健康的線上學習環境設計原則與技術路徑[J].《現代教育技術》,31(12)12-19  (CSSCI 核心)

[48]翟雪松,朱雨萌,張紫徽,王會軍,陳文智*.高校教育資訊化治理能力評價:界定、實踐與反思[J].《開放教育研究》,2021,27(05):24-33.(CSSCI 核心)

[49]翟雪松,孫玉璉,瀋陽,潘俊君*(2021).“虛擬現實+觸覺回饋 ”對學習效率的促進機制研究-基於 2010-2021 年的元分析[J].《遠程教育雜誌》,39(05):24-33.  (CSSCI 核心)                       

[50]翟雪松,楚肖燕, 張紫徽,陳文智* ,基於中臺架構的教育資訊化數字治理研究[J]《電化教育研究》 2021,42(06),40-46 (CSSCI 核心)

[51] 董豔,李心怡,鄭婭峰,翟雪松,智能教育應用的人機雙向回饋:機理、模型與實施原則[J]開放教育研究  2021,27(02):26-33.  (人大複印全文轉載)  (CSSCI 核心)

[52]李豔,陳新亞,孫丹,朱雨萌,翟雪松.從“透明人 ”到“踐行者 ”:高校  資訊安全面臨的挑戰與應對——《2021 地平線報告(資訊安全版)》之 啟示[J].《遠程教育雜誌》,2021,39(03):11-19.  (CSSCI 核心)


[53]Zheng, Y.; Bao, H.; Shen, J.; Zhai, X*.(2020) Investigating Sequence Patterns of Collaborative Problem-Solving Behavior in Online Collaborative Discussion Activity. Sustainability ,2020 (12),  1-17 /su 12208522      (SSCI Q2 通訊)

[54]Chenhan Huang, Changqing He, Xuesong Zhai*,  (2020)"The Approach  of Hierarchical Linear Model to Exploring Individual and Team Creativity: A Perspective   of   Cultural    Intelligence   and    Team   Trust",   Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2020(12) 2020/2025140(SCI 通訊)

[55]Zhai, X., Asmi, F., Zhou, R., Ahmad, I., Anwar, M. A., Saneinia, S., & Li,  M.(2020 )Investigating the Mediation and Moderation Effect of Students’   Addiction to Virtual Reality Games: a Perspective of Structural Equation Modeling.Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society. 2020 1-13 DOI:10. 1155/2020/5714546   (SCI)

[56]Wei, X., Cheng, I. L., Chen, N. S., Yang, X., Liu, Y., Dong, Y.,Zhai X& Kinshuk. (2020). Effect of the flipped classroom on the mathematics performance of middle school students. Educational Technology Research and Development, 68, 1461-1484.  (SSCI Q1 )

[57]Ghani, U., Teo, T., Li, Y., Usman, M., Islam, Z. U., Gul, H., ... & Zhai, X*. (2020).  Tit  for  tat:  abusive  supervision  and  knowledge  hiding-the  role  of psychological  contract  breach  and  psychological  ownership.  International journal of environmental research and public health, 17(4), 1-17.(SSCI Q2 通訊)

[58]Liu, W., He, C., Jiang, Y., Ji, R., & Zhai, X*. (2020). Effect of Gig Workers ’Psychological Contract Fulfillment on Their Task Performance in a Sharing  Economy—A Perspective from the Mediation of Organizational Identification  and   the   Moderation   of   Length   of   Service.   International   Journal   of Environmental Research and Public Health, 17(7), 1-20. (SSCI Q2 通訊)

[59] Xuesong Zhai, Minjuan Wang, Usman Ghani*(2020) The SOR (Stimulus- organism-response)  Paradigm  in  Online  Learning:  An  Empirical  Study  of Students ’ Knowledge Hiding Perceptions, Interactive Learning Environments. 28(5), 586-601.     (SSCI Q1 )

[60]Ghani, U., Zhai, X.*, Spector, J. M., Chen, N. S., Lin, L., Ding, D., & Usman, M. (2020). Knowledge hiding in higher education: role of interactional justice and professional commitment. Higher Education, 79, 325-344.(SSCI Q1 通訊)

[61]Dong, Y., Xu, C., Chai, C. S., & Zhai, X. (2020). Exploring the structural relationship among teachers’ technostress, technological pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK), computer self-efficacy and school support. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 29, 147-157.(SSCI Q2 )                                                     [62]Jun Song, Changqing He, Wei Wu, Xuesong Zhai*, ( 2020) Roles of Self efficacy and Transformational Leadership in Explaining Voice-Job Satisfaction relationship.[J] Current Psychology 39,975-986  (SSCI Q2通訊)

[63]翟雪松,史聰聰,《教育資訊化十年發展規劃(2011-2020 年)》實施 現狀、挑戰與展望[J]《現代教育技術》,2020,30(12):20-27. (CSSCI 核心)

[64]翟雪松,束永紅,楚肖燕,朱雨萌,羽量級生理回饋技術在教育的應用 及測量方式——基於 2015-2020 年文獻綜述[J]《開放教育研究》 2020,26(06),37-46. (CSSCI 核心)

[65]張楠,翟雪松.5G視域下虛擬現實出版的價值共創研究[J].《出版廣角》,2020(11):14-18.DOI:10.16491/j.cnki.cn45-1216/g2.2020.11.003. (CSSCI 擴)

2019 以前代表作

[66] Zhai, X., Dong, Y., Wang, S. et al. (2019) Exploring eye-tracking analyses of EFL learners ’ cognitive processing of reduced relative clause. Cluster Comput 22, 1007/s10586-018-2263-3 .    (SSCI Q2)

[67] Zhai, Xuesong, Yan Dong*, and Jing Yuan.  (2018) Investigating Learners ’ Technology Engagement-A Perspective From Ubiquitous Game-Based Learning in Smart Campus. IEEE Access 6: 10279- 10287.    (SSCI Q1)

[68]Xuesong Zhai, Qiansheng Fang, Yan Dong*, Zhihui Wei, Jing Yuan. ( 2018) The Effect of  Biofeedback-based Stimulated Recall On Self-regulated Online Learning: A Gender and Cognitive Taxonomy Perspective [J]Journal of Computer Assisted Learning,34(6),775-786. (SSCI Q1)

[69] Zhai, X., Gu, J., Liu, H., Liang, J.-C., & Tsai, C.-C. (2017). An Experiential Learning Perspective on Students ’ Satisfaction Model in a Flipped Classroom Context. Educational Technology & Society, 20 (1), 198 –210.(SSCI Q1)

[70]He, C., Gu, J., Wu, W., Zhai, X., & Song, J. (2017). Social media use in the career development of graduate students: the mediating role of internship effectiveness and the moderating role of Zhongyong. Higher Education,  74 (6), 1033- 1051.     (SSCI Q1)

[71]  Yu, X., Wang, P., Zhai, X*., Dai, H., & Yang, Q. (2015). The effect of work stress on job burnout among teachers: The mediating role of self efficacy. Social Indicators Research, 122(3), 701-708. (SSCI Q1 通訊)

[72]翟雪松,孫玉璉,陳文莉,束永紅,史聰聰.5G 融合的教育應用、挑戰 及反思.[J]《開放教育研究》 2019,25(06),12-19.  (CSSCI 核心)

[73]翟雪松,束永紅.線上學習社區中的知識隱藏行為及影響機制研究——基 於專業承諾和變革型指導風格的視角分析[J]《遠程教育雜誌》 2019,37(05): 85-94.   (CSSCI 核心)

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