
The Research Institute of Macau Education Development of the City University of Macau, formerly known as the Macau Development Institute, was established in September 2011 with the approval of the school board. Since its establishment in 2013, the Institute aims to serve the research and development of society, education, economy and culture in Macau and the Asia-Pacific region, and has obtained many research results and awards. At present, the main research areas include educational administration, adult education, curriculum and teaching, teacher professional development, educational information technology, etc. It has won great appreciation and support from the school and the Macau government. Since September 1, 2017, it was renamed the Institute of Educational Development, and began to invite well-known scholars in the education fields of the two sides of the strait to form an international research team. The mission of the Research Institute of Macau Education Development is to serve the local community of Macau, and will increasingly strengthen cooperation and exchanges with local primary and secondary schools and educational institutions. Based on teacher education, the institute will use the teacher development research center as the carrier to promote the professional development path of the Macau primary and secondary school teachers through collaborative research and teacher action research. With the sense of social responsibility to serve the Macau education fields, the institute will keep actively expanding in-depth dialogue with local primary and secondary schools.

To achieve the vision of research and development, the institute has set the following missions and goals:


The Research Institute of Macau Education Development of the City University of Macau aims to enhance the professional status in the field of education research, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation with local schools and overseas academic research institutions, promote the formulation and optimization of Macau’s education policies, and give full play to education. Take a good use of educational resources as platforms and support cross-disciplinary research. Provide consultation and consulting services for Macau and overseas education organizations. Provide assistance to the area of education sector and education professionals.


The Research Institute of Macau Education Development of the City University of Macau is engage in research on educational theory and practice and publish research results through different methods. Meanwhile, collect various research tools and information, and develop teaching materials. Promote contacts, cooperation and academic exchanges between domestic and international educational institutions. Organize activities for professional education groups and academic organizations. Establish a social network for local and overseas educational scholars, social talents and teachers of all levels and types to provide professional consultation and guidance on educational issues. Provide a school-enterprise cooperation research base for production, learning, and research. Provide assistance in planning courses on professional development to strengthen the value of the combination of educational theory and practice. Promote and expand other related education issues. Develop various available resources. Establish an important database in terms of local and overseas education.

Future Prospective

Combine the research results of the Education Research Institute to implement the promotion of education. With the combination of government, corporate and private resources as well as cooperation with cross-strait and overseas regional and national educational institutions, jointly promote various types of educational activities, build educational and learning networks, and promote educational cooperation and exchanges. Expand research efficacy and deepen professional services for research and academic promotion.

Dr. Shuying Sean Li

PhD, Dean (Concurrent), School of Education

Pro-Rector, City University of Macau