Professor Jian XU

Release date:2025/02/26
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Dr. Jian Xu is a professor at Sichuan International Studies University (SISU) and a Ph.D. supervisor. His research primarily focuses on higher education and foreign language education, with expertise in advanced quantitative statistical analysis. He earned his Ph.D. from the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at the Faculty of Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. During his doctoral studies, he participated in a joint training program as an exchange scholar at Queen’s University, Canada. In August 2018, Dr. Xu joined Beijing Foreign Studies University. Since September 2020, he has been working at Sichuan International Studies University, where he was promoted to professor in 2022. In the same year, he was selected for the Jialing Young Scholars Program at SISU. Currently, he serves as an Associate Editor for Research Papers in Education, a leading SSCI Q1 journal. During the 2023–2024 academic year, he was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Education, University of Reading, UK. Dr. Xu has published over 40 SSCI-indexed journal articles, as well as several papers in Chinese academic journals, as the first author or corresponding author. He has led and participated in multiple national and provincial-level research projects. Additionally, he has presented at various international and domestic academic conferences and serves as a peer reviewer for several SSCI and CSSCI journals.

Research Interests

Foreign language teaching and assessment

Self-regulated learning and feedback

Educational psychology

Teacher professional development in higher education contexts

Selected Publications (Past Five Years)

1.         Zhou, S., Xu, J., Rose, H., & McKinley, J. (2025). Exploring the emotion-motivation nexus in English-medium higher education: A longitudinal mixed-methods study. Learning and Individual Differences, 119, 102628. (SSCI. Q1)

2.         Xu, J., & Zheng, Y. (2025). Does student assessment literacy matter between motivational constructs and engagement in L2 writing? A survey of Chinese EFL undergraduates. Assessing Writing, 64, 100916. (SSCI. Q1)

3.         Xu, J., Wang, Y., & Peng, B. (2025). Differentiating the role of growth language mindsets in feedback‐seeking behaviour in L2 writing through perspective‐taking: A mixed‐method study. European Journal of Education, 60(1), e12876. (SSCI. Q1)

4.         Xu, J., & Zhou, S. (2024). Unraveling the interplay between social-emotional need satisfaction and self-regulated learning: Longitudinal evidence from university students in China’s EMI programs. Language Teaching Research. Online. (SSCI. Q1)

5.         Xu, J., Zhou, S., Chen, C., Perrin, S., & Gan, H. (2024). Exploring the interplay between enjoyment, anxiety, ideal self, and willingness to communicate in EMI higher education. International Journal of Applied Linguistics. (SSCI. Q2)

6.         Xu, J., Wang, Y., & Zhou, S. (2024). Measuring and profiling growth language mindsets, conscientiousness, and social emotional learning among university L2 learners: a variable- and person-centered perspective. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 1–17. (SSCI-Q1)

7.         Wang, Y., Xu, J*., Li, H., & Qi, J. (2024). The impact of future L2 selves and positive emotions on self-regulated writing strategies: A mixed method approach. Language Teaching Research, 13621688241229534. (SSCI-Q1).  *Corresponding

8.         Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2024). Do I need feedback or avoid it in L2 writing? Impacts of self-efficacy and shyness on feedback-seeking behavior. Assessing Writing, 59, 100805.

9.         Xu, J., & Zheng, Y. (2024). Understanding the interconnectedness of L2 learners’ writing assessment literacy and engagement: A longitudinal survey. System, 123, 103318. (SSCI-Q1)

10.      Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2024). Development and initial validation of learner engagement with teacher written corrective feedback scale. System, 124, 103376. (SSCI-Q1) *Corresponding

11.      Zhou, S., Xu, J., & Thomas, N. (2024). L2 listening in a digital era: Developing and validating the mobile-assisted self-regulated listening strategy questionnaire (MSRLS-Q). System, 123, 103310.

12.      Xu, J., & Qiu, X., & Yang, L. (2023). Unraveling the dynamics of English communicative motivation and self-efficacy through task-supported language teaching: A latent growth modeling perspective. International Review of Applied Linguistics in Language Teaching. (SSCI-Q2, IF: 1.5)

13.      Xu, J., Zheng, Y., & Braund, H. (2023). Voices from L2 learners across different languages: Development and validation of a student writing assessment literacy scale. Journal of Second Language Writing. (SSCI-Q1 top; IF: 5.448)

14.      Zheng, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). Unpacking the impact of teacher assessment approaches on student writing engagement: a survey of university learners across different languages. Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 1-14. (SSCI-Q1 top; IF: 4.440)  *Corresponding

15.      Wang, Y., & Xu, J*. (2023). A latent profile analysis of L2 writing emotions and their relations to writing buoyancy, motivation and proficiency. Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063)  *Corresponding

16.      Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). The impact of academic buoyancy and emotions on university students’ self-regulated learning strategies in L2 writing classrooms. Reading and Writing. Online (SSCI. Q2; IF: 2.795)

17.      Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2023). Individual differences in L2 writing feedback-seeking behaviors: The predictive roles of various motivational constructs. Assessing Writing, 56, 100698. (SSCI. Q1; IF: 3.164)

18.      Xu, J., & Wang, Y. (2022). The differential mediating roles of ideal and ought-to L2 writing selves between growth mindsets and self-regulated writing strategies. System, 102900. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.518) 

19.      Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2022). Second language psychological speaking and listening needs: Scale development, symbiosis, and demographic differences. Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching, 12(3), 483-507. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 2.352)

20.      Qiu, X., & Xu, J.* (2022). ‘Listening should be done communicatively’: Do task-supported language teaching and post-task self-reflection facilitate the development of L2 listening proficiency?. System, 102897. (*corresponding author) (SSCI-Q1; IF: 4.518)

21.      Xu, J., & Luo, K. (2022). Immersing learners in English listening classroom: does self-regulated learning instruction make a difference? Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063)

22.      Xu, J. (2022). Incremental intelligence matters: How L2 writing mindsets impact feedback orientation and self-regulated learning writing strategies. Assessing Writing, 51, 100593. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.164)

23.      Xu, J., Wang, M., & Dong, M. (2022). Relationship between test-taking motivation and listening metacognitive awareness in EFL listening context. European Journal of Psychology Open. (SSCI-Q4)

24.      Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2021). Engaging L2 learners in information-gap tasks: How task type and topic familiarity affect learner engagement. RELC Journal. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 1.620)

25.      Qiu, X., & Xu, J.* (2021). Defining oracy: Second language listening and speaking motivation in higher education and the role of demographic factors. Psychological Reports. (SSCI-Q3; IF: 1.789) *(Corresponding author)

26.      Xu, J., Fan, J., & Luo, K. (2021). Exploring L2 listening instruction, self-efficacy, and strategy use: A mediation analysis. Frontiers in Psychology. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 4.232)

27.      Xu, J. (2021). Chinese university students’ L2 writing feedback orientation and self-regulated learning writing strategies in online teaching during COVID-19. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 30(6), 564-574. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 2.561)

28.      Dong, M., Fan, J., & Xu, J.* (2021). Differential washback effects of a high-stakes test on students’ English learning process: evidence from a large-scale stratified survey in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 1-18. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.478) *(Corresponding author)

29.      Xu, J., & Qiu, X. (2020). Study abroad experiences count: Motivational profile of EFL listeners and its impact on top-down and bottom-up processing. Applied Linguistics Review. Ahead of print (SSCI-Q1; IF: 3.063)

30.      Xu, J., & Huang, Y. (2020). Enlarging English reading amount in Hong Kong primary schools: do social support and goal orientation matter. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 41(8), 1-16. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 1.961)

31.      Xu, J., & Huang, Y. T. (2020). Effects of social support on English reading amount in Hong Kong primary schools: the mediating role of reading confidence. Educational Studies, 47(6), 700-715. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.500) 

32.      Li, L., & Xu, J. (2020). On Rater Reliability of English Speaking Test for Foreign Language School Students — A Case Study of Recommended Students to Beijing Foreign Studies University. Chinese Journal of ESP, 19, 71-79. (in Chinese)

33.      Xu, J., & Ou, A. (2022). Facing rootlessness: Language and identity construction in teaching and research practices among bilingual returnee scholars in China. Journal of Language, Identity & Education. (SSCI-Q2; IF: 1.770)

34.      Xu, J., & Huang, Y. T. (2021). Identity transformation of Chinese secondary school teachers during educational reform. Asian Journal of Social Science, 49(2), 101-108. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 0.694)

35.      Xu, J., Liu, H., & Huang, Y. T. (2021). The wolf is coming: how secondary teachers regulate emotional experiences when facing Chinese education reform. Educational Studies, 1-18. (SSCI-Q4; IF: 1.500)

36.      Huang, Y., & Xu, J.* (2020). Surviving the performance management of academic work: evidence from young Chinese academics. Higher Education Research & Development, 39(4), 704-718. (SSCI-Q1; IF: 2.849) *(Corresponding author)
